Author: Sarmad Aljazrawi

GitLab/Repo: Enable/Add sequence diagram

```plantuml @startuml skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC skinparam ParticipantPadding 50 Title: Application overview actor user order 10 participant "Front end - Angular" order 20 participant "Back end - .Net Core API" order 30 database db order 40 user-->"Front end - Angular": Login to site ||20|| "Front end - Angular"-[#red]->"Back end - .Net Core API": Request message ||40||

Xamarin android project build but failed to deploy: Done building project — FAILED.

After updating to Visual Studio 2017 15.6 been getting error when trying to deploy to both emulator and device even though the project build successfully. The project is set to Android 6.0 – API 23. Error tab: No errors. Output (Debug): Build Failed: Xamarin.Android does not support running the previous version. Please ensure your solution builds

Small cursor in remote desktop manager

Cursor is very small in remote desktop manager when using high resolution monitor. In windows 10 the steps below solved the problem for me: Right-click on remote desktop manager icon and choose properties. Choose “Compatibiltiy” tab. Check “Override high DPI scaling behavior scaling performed by: System” Click “Ok” Here is the image of it:  

Import SSL Certificate as separate (public, private, intermediate) files on Windows/IIS 7

Windows does not allow importing SSL Certificate public and private key as separate files therefore we have to merge them into a single file for example PFX file. Here are the steps to do it: Download OpenSSL command line for windows from here. I choosed the latest version ( Extract the zip file into a